Works Fully Offline
Access and manage your bookmarks without needing an internet connection.
Your data stays secure—no tracking or third-party access.
Drag & Drop Support
Save links instantly by dragging them to the menu bar icon.
Seamless Bookmark Import
Effortlessly import your bookmarks from Safari or Chrome.
Auto Sync Bookmarks
Automatically fetch and sync bookmarks from Safari and Chrome at your set interval.
Menu Bar Quick Access
Access your favorite bookmarks instantly from the macOS menu bar.
Custom Categories & Tags
Personalize your bookmarks with categories and tags for quick access.
Powerful Search & Filtering
Find bookmarks in seconds with advanced search.
Browser Assignment
Open bookmarks in the browser of your choice for ultimate flexibility.
Export as JSON
Save bookmarks as a JSON file for backups or custom use cases.
Color Coding
Use colors to visually organize and distinguish bookmarks.
Lightweight & Beautiful Design
A sleek, minimalist app that blends seamlessly with macOS.
System Requirements
- Operating System
- macOS 13.0 or later
- Processor
- Apple Silicon or Intel processor
- Memory
- ~50 MB
- Storage
- 2 MB available space
(can change depending on the region)
What Users Say
Highly recommend
“Simple yet powerful app which is easy to use, supports quick imports from Safari and Chrome, and is conveniently accessible right from the macOS menu bar. Highly recommend 🙌”
App Store Review
The app you didn't know you needed
“The app is fantastic! So many little features that are really well thought out... Categories and colors for clarity, a dark mode. Great! I love it!”
App Store Review
“It's best bookmarks app I have ever seen.”
App Store Review
“Great app for organizing bookmarks! The clean UI and quick navigation make it efficient.”
App Store Review
Simple, yet much needed!
“Links that I use constantly I store here. Such a useful app.”
App Store Review